As the weeks continued to go by they exchanged numbers now excited to chat with him every day.
Hi she texted, she waited. 1 hour passed with no text she cleaned, still no text she paced the floor, did knitting to distract herself when she was about to give up a text came 6 hours later with a
that was it this was the most dry text she was expecting from a guy who was talkative but was now non talkative behind WhatsApp.
“How are you?” He opened the text and left it like that.
Now the pattern of her past was repeating itself right now infront of her eyes. Her heart slightly broke, it broke because of the expectations she placed on him and that’s the thing right with expectations they never happen the way you imagined.
As days went by with the lack of communication her feelings started to fade little by little.
She closed her phone shut her eyes closed wielding herself not cry.
Hy he texted
I was thinking about you
Me too
I want to marry you soon
Why she asked
I want to get South African ID
And do what with it?
There are things i wanna do here that i can’t do without an ID so will you marry me?
And that’s when everything clicked this was not love, he approached her not because he was into her, no it was because he wanted the benefits of South Africa, she knew that he was from Namibia but it never dawned in her that he wasn’t in this for love.
With shaky hands and tears clouding her eyes she replied
I’m not one for marriage, never have been even if I was I would never marry someone who only wants to use me to get an ID.
With a broken heart she added
You can go and find someone who will help you with your quest.