After 1 year 9 months of getting out of a toxic relationship and thinking she would never find love again, her heart fluttered every time she thought about him.
Hours became days and soon Wednesday came, when a knock came she smiled at her self as she opened the door and indeed he was there it was as if he was the one brightening her days.
Every week he came by, with her love growing with each visit. She got used to his smile, his sweet charms that seemed to shake her into existence if this was how love felt then she prayed the feeling never ended, every other day she looked forward to the Wednesdays.

“Why you single?” He asked her one afternoon, Thingo shrugged “Cause I’m always indoors, no guy wants to be with someone who loves the indoors.”

“They are dumb, and you are really beautiful.”

In the next Wednesday he came with snacks “In the movies they bring flowers, but we are in the township so I brought you amazimba.” She blushed as she took them.

This was it she told herself, this was how love should feel like, she believed. Through all the hearbreak she has been now was her time to love and be loved and it was a great feeling knowing that someone actually wanted her for her not just to use her because he wanted something. He just wanted to love her for her.