Every story has a beginning, middle and an end. However, this one particularly, hasn’t reached it’s ending. We can only speculate of what is to come, based of occurrings events that prevailed. Saddened as we are, we have to be supportive to this person. What I actually mean, when I use “We” ; I am reffering to me, my family and the community. All in the name of love, Joyce had eventually met a very respected companion, fearful of god and well-informed about Xhosa traditions. We were happy for her, finally. But before we proceed, can I lay out Mr perfect’s background? well, what we have been told. Born and bred in the Eastern cape, New brighton to be exact. He used to work for a funeral parlour, it closed down. Was married with two kids, tragedly, they died. One from alcohol poisoning, the other from committing suicide. Due to unbeknown reasons, his wife divorced and left him penniless. We still don’t know the real reason of the divorce. Still unaware, of the reasons preceeding to any of his kids’s deaths. All we’ve encountered of him: he has no boundries, highly inquistive and rude. Greedy and unwitted. He takes charge in whatever, he wants to achieve. To Joyce, this is what entices her ; being led for once. Having been the family glue for so long, after the death of her big sister and parents, she automatically took that role ; emotionally and financially. For a long time, she felt used. Now came Mr perfect, suddenly, she felt protected and loved. As an outside party from their unity, together with the family, we are seeing something different. Joyce is drifted away from her loved ones. Seemingly, choosing the love of her life. Engaged, close to two years now. Forgot to mention, Mr perfect also has a reputation, of ripping off people’s monies. We are so worried about Joyce, yet we are keeping our mouths shut. We’ve raised our concerns to her, but ” we are standing, infront of her chance to be happy”, according to her. Yet, she doesn’t understand why her loved ones are slipping off her fingers. Nobody likes Mr perfect. Rumours and questions have been flying all over the community: ” Where, what happened to Joyce’s pension money?”, as she retired early last year. The relentless answer remains the same, ” I’ve fixed the money and is taking long to be retrieved”. But public knowledge has it, Mr perfect is into get-rich quicker schemes and gambling. Could he have influenced her to invest into these ponzi schemes? only them would know. As it stands, we are in hope, she sees the light sooner before it escalates further. We love and care about Joyce. But, we are worried about her.