The Before Departure – Junior’s Last Chance!
It was Thursday, and Junior was feeling stressed out. “Tomorrow is our last day at camp, and I still haven’t talked to my grey tracksuit lady!” he thought. “Lord, please give me the courage to approach her, or I’ll be stuck with a broken heart and a tub of ice cream… again!”
As he was walking around, Ntando, the Wiseman, approached him. “Hey, Junior, let’s go check out Busi, maybe she has some snacks.” Junior agreed, and they headed to Busi’s room. “Busi, heyii Busi, man, ahh okay, sorry, Busi the dancer!” Ntando said, laughing. Busi greeted them and offered them cornflakes with a little bit of milk.
Just then, Junior spotted his grey tracksuit lady, now wearing a pink gown, walking towards them. “Ohh god, here comes Mrs. Me, my grey tracksuit lady!” Junior thought. “She smells so good, she just finished bathing… I’m not letting her pass without me greeting her this time!”
But Junior was too shy to approach her, so he asked Busi for help. “Busi, izapha… Nfana, I need your help, uyambona that girl who passed here, when she comes back, please greet her for me.” Busi agreed, and when the grey tracksuit lady returned, Busi called her over.
Junior’s heart was racing as the grey tracksuit lady approached them. “Hello, Junior, are kego dumedise…” she said with a smile. Junior was charmed, but before he could respond, Busi asked, “Junior, I did greet her for you, or do you want me to go call her for you?”
Junior hesitated, then asked Busi to call her over again. When she returned, Junior was nervous, but the grey tracksuit lady put him at ease. “What’s wrong? Are you cold? Phela, I got two blankets…” she said, laughing. Junior was smitten, but before they could continue talking, the security guy appeared. “What are you two doing here? Move it, tlhaoganang!”
Junior was disappointed, but he asked for her number, and she promised to give it to him the next morning. As they parted ways, Junior couldn’t help but feel hopeful. “Maybe tomorrow will be a better day,” he thought.
As they headed to study, Junior couldn’t concentrate. He was too busy thinking about the grey tracksuit lady. “Tomorrow is our last day, and I might finally get my chance to talk to her… or maybe I’ll just end up with a broken heart and a tub of ice cream… again!” he thought, chuckling to himself.
But for now, Junior was just happy to have made a new friend, and who knows, maybe someday they’ll even solve the equation of each other’s hearts!
As Junior sat in study hall, he couldn’t help but think about the grey tracksuit lady. “What’s her name? What’s her story? And why does she have to be so charming?” he thought. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice when the study hall monitor came over to ask him a question.
“Junior, what’s the answer to question 3?” the monitor asked, looking at Junior’s paper.
Junior looked down and saw that he had written nothing but scribbles. “Uh, I think it’s… uh… ” he stammered, trying to come up with an answer.
The monitor looked at him skeptically. “Junior, you need to focus. This is your last chance to get a good grade before we leave tomorrow.”
Junior nodded, feeling embarrassed. “Yes, sir. I’ll try my best.”
But as he sat there, he couldn’t help but think about the grey tracksuit lady. “What if I never see her again? What if she forgets about me?” he thought, feeling a pang of anxiety.
Just then, Busi came over and whispered in his ear. “Hey, Junior. I think I can help you with your problem.”
Junior looked at her curiously. “What do you mean?”
“I can help you get her attention. Just follow my lead,” Busi said with a sly smile.
Junior’s eyes lit up. “Really? How?”
Busi leaned in close. “Leave that to me. Just be ready tomorrow morning, okay?”
Junior nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of hope that he hadn’t felt all week. “Okay, I’ll be ready. Thanks, Busi!”
As study hall ended, Junior felt a sense of excitement that he hadn’t felt all week. “Tomorrow is going to be a good day,” he thought. “I can feel it.”
And with that, he went to bed, dreaming of the grey tracksuit lady and the possibilities that tomorrow might bring.