This part is a sequel to Love, girls and lies Part 1. It follows the journey of Tsepo, and, most importantly, that of his troubled girlfriend, Asakhe. Tsepo comes across many shocking stories about his troubled girlfriend and is forced to make a decision. Furthermore, he ends up being friends with the unlikeliest of people.
On the other hand, Asakhe, his troubled girlfriend, feels deserted by the people around her, especially her family and two best friends. However, she is aware that her past has everything to do with it. As a result of trying to rectify her mistakes, she finds herself about to do the cruelest of deeds which may be dangerous and are likely to further complicate her life.
But could there possibly be light at the end of the tunnel?
On the other hand, Asakhe, his troubled girlfriend, feels deserted by the people around her, especially her family and two best friends. However, she is aware that her past has everything to do with it. As a result of trying to rectify her mistakes, she finds herself about to do the cruelest of deeds which may be dangerous and are likely to further complicate her life.
But could there possibly be light at the end of the tunnel?