Darren begins to wakes up from a long nights rest, as he prepares to get out of bed, he hears his mom knocking on his door saying, “Darren sweetheart, get up and get ready for school.”

“I’m up, I’m up mom.”, replies Darren, as he makes his way to his bedroom bathroom, Darrens family was well off, with his mother being a Doctor and his father being a lawyer, alongside having two older sisters who were engineers and had already started they’re lives elsewhere, he was never in need of anything growing up.

Darren hops in the shower, hops back out and starts getting ready and dressed, after 15 minutes he heads downstairs to the breakfast table where his parents are already enjoying their breakfast, with his dad reading a newspaper as he often does and his mom waving him on.

Darren pulls up a chair and acknowledges his mom and dad, then starts cutting up his eggs and sausages.

“So Darren did you tell your dad, that you’ll be writing your bar exam tommorow?”, excitingly asks Darrens mom.

Darren then glances down and says, “no I haven’t, I was gonna tell him soon though.”, Darren relationship with his dad was much like all father son relationships where they don’t show much emotion to one another and rarely communicate, unless they have something to tell each other.

His dad non-chalantly with his eyes glued to the newspaper says, “Oh, well finally, it feels like its been ages.”

His mother reaches over the table, holds his hand and says, “I know with all my heart you’re going to pass Darren and you’re going to be a greater lawyer then your father.”

Darren still looking down at his plate says nothing and continues eating his breakfast.

Darrens father folds the newspaper puts it aside and while standing up says, “Yeah he will, his sisters made something of themselves already and Darren will follow suite, granted they’re not lawyers, but I guess engineers aren’t too bad either.”, says Darrens father as he chuckles, then continues and says, “We put you in the best schools with the best tutors and the best textbooks money can buy, most of your friends would kill for half of what we gave you, so it’s up to you to hold up your end of the bargain.”

Darren glances up at his father nods and continues with his breakfast, his mom still holding his hand says, “Just tell me when you’re done and I’ll take you to school okay.”.

“Can I rather walk to school?.”, asks Darren politely.

His mother taken aback says, “Well okay, but then you better leave early, I don’t want you to lose out on that 100% attendance award your school gives out okay.”

Darren without even finishing up his plate, gets up and grabs his bag and heads out the door and heads to school.