Many people wonder why I don’t socialize, they don’t understand the hate I have for crowdy places. They just don’t understand how I get when I’m around people I don’t know, how I wish I could run away and hide in a dark place. I hate how they want to become my friends while knowing I’m a line wolf.

No matter how others try to make me loosen around them, they can never take whom I am away. When I’m around people I get lost iny own world where I’m alone and noone is around me. I end up listening to music and reading novels cause whatever they’re talking about doesn’t matter to me.

Being an introverted specie requires Alot. I’m a rare specie that noone understands in this world. I’ve been neglected my whole life so when someone tries to express love and show that they care I build a wall that noome can break. I’ve been through hell but I keep bouncing even when I drown in darkness

My heart is clouded with darkness, so allowing someone neare is option. I’ve been judged, insulted and I’ve experienced hatred, there’s nothing that can make me happy. I used to believe that everything going through every teen experience it not knowing I’m the only one.

Through my darkest days I just disappear from the surface of the earth. Many tried to help me but they failed as I’m already drowned. How can they try as I gave up on prayer, as I gave up on God. Why should I care as God showed me no mercy. Through the years I locked my heart and soul.

I never care when others try to loosen me up l, how can I wheny soul is lost. I care about only one person in this world, someone whom I think that when everyone neglects me she will always be there for me. She’s the only one I can smile wholeheartedly with, someone I can just look at and smile.