I’m Mpho From Zeerust in a little Village called Borakalalo. Sometimes to learn we have to go through hard experiences. When I went to high school I met friends some of them were my primary classmates we knew each other.Their problem was they were bad influencers. I started to be outside the box I created not knowing I was inviting trouble in my lonely depressive life. The group I was friends with were lies they could lie to others so that they could turn their backs on you.

I had my first fight on my first year. Having anger issues and little heart was my downfall cause almost everyone knew my weaknesses and they knew were to poke it I keep quiet. Then on my second year nineth grade I started going to taverns crazy right I know.

The group by that time already socialized themselves from me but i didn’t even care. I became a bad girl whom most of the time went home drunk and I was no longer listening to my family cause i was nursing my bleeding soul with alcohol.My fight didn’t end in my 8th grade they followed me cause everyone wanted a piece of me as I was a stinky person to them who didn’t deserve peace.

I lost my virginity on 2019 imagine; noone knew even my so called friends because I promised myself that whatever happens in my life must stay between me and my heart. I lost focus at school because I was always partying and grooving on weekends and went to school with hangover. Noone saw I was depressed cause I knew how to hide my emotions.

I had one friend who I hold dear to my heart but she betrayed me miserably; she always believed what others told her. I knew her secrets and I kept them cause I believed in loyalty until she broke the trust I had for her. We fought had until our friendship was broken and my enemies rejoiced my downfall.

On my tenth grade on 2020 I became a loner again cause I no longer had friend cause on that year we fought and the video trended it was so hard for me because I was accused of things I didn’t do; but I didn’t care cause I wasn’t going to clear my name. I went to being a loner again always by myself doing things by myself and not wanting anyone besides me.

They thought they broke me but they actually succeeded because the little faith I had was broken and I gave up in life. I started to have that peace I always had without friends and I enjoyed it a little then I met Karabo she was a sweetheart. A friend who understood me very well cause both of us were broken souls.

On 2022 I was doing my matric and life took a different turn and I became a different person. I was depressed and I always bunked school cause I couldn’t focus and I didn’t want to open up to anyone. I started to cut my wrists trying to ease the pain inside but nothing helped. I tried committing suicide but the pills never worked.

I was that broken piece that noone knew what was going inside her head. I became very rude and quiet cause the was nothing to say to the world as it turned its back against me . I nearly didn’t write Prep cause i didnt go to school the whole week and the day I went to school it was the day to start writing.

I was weak that day and crying my eyes out ;everyone surrounded my table they wanted to know what was wrong but I couldn’t say nothing but I cried and I went out . I only told mr Tsotetsi my English teacher. He said I needed help but I refused cause there was nothing that can fix me as I was broken. I failed my matric badly.