It was a warm Saturday morning Zuleka woke up and made a cup of tea and made breakfast for her mom.”Morning sleepy head”,Zuleka said to her mom.”(yawn)good morning my lovely daughter. Zuleka’s Mom replied.

Zuleka was trying to soften her mother so that she could talk to Zuleka’s dad about letting her play Rugby.”I’m sorry my humble and sweet daughter but I already told you I can’t he said no 3 times and I don’t want to upset him”,said Zuleka’s mom.

Later that day she went to play Rugby without telling her parents so her parents thought she was just playing with her friends. Zuleka got hurt while playing so they had to call her parents but the phone number in the registration form where non existent. She had to give them the phone numbers so she said she didn’t know them by heart so they couldn’t admit her to the hospital she was took to the clinic they found her file and called her parents.

Her dad furious but her daughter was in the hospital so he suppressed his anger for his daughter she was in the hospital. A week later Zuleka was discharged and she had a huge welcome home party and her Rugby friends were there Zuleka’s father started to ask questions like when did Zuleka start to play Rugby. When Zuleka was fully recovered she was grounded for a week after that Zuleka’s father decided to ask Zuleka why she chose Rugby of all sports

Zuleka explained that she really liked it and had passion over it and it was the only sport she knew how to play Zuleka’s father decided that he would let Zuleka ply Rugby and she was happy after practice Zuleka’s dad took Zuleka for ice cream and Zuleka told him about practice and Zuleka’s father was happy.