The next day I woke up at 5am and took my bath. I wore my black tight dress, the only dress I have and tiptoed to my father’s room and took my mother’s high heels. I knew I had to have the best first day impression. I tied my hair in a ponytail and I was fit to start working. “Fancy life here I come” I said to my self staring straight at the mirror. I walked to the abandoned house. I looked at my watch and it was 06:45. “Nice,” I whispered. I knocked on the door and Dave opened. He looked at me from head to toe and he started laughing really loudly.
“What’s funny?” I asked feeling anxious already. ” Bruh what’s funny?” Justin said leaning over Dave he paused for a minute on seeing what I was wearing
 “woah! what are you wearing?” Justin said taking my hand and pulling me inside the house. I opened my mouth to say something but it sounded like I was speaking jibbirish “Wait they didn’t tell you what kind of job we are going to do?” Justin asked while giving me a hoodie and some sneakers. I was so confused and I didn’t know what to do or say so I just nodded and waited for him to elaborate on what kind of job we were going to do. 
“We are robbing a bank dummy.” Emma walked in with Sam pulling a black huge suitcase 
“My jaw dropped, literally because this is not what I was expecting; of course I failed but this was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life so I had to put out my opinions and ask questions.
” Uhm may I ask why are we robbing a bank?” I asked already knowing the answer.
 “Stop acting dumb Nomzamo it’s so obvious; so you in or out? Besides all you have to do is pack the cash; nothing much – so you in?” Sam asked in a low tone. I could tell he didn’t really like me.
 “I need the money anyway, so yea Im in” I said looking down well I kind of had a feeling this whole this was going to turn out bad’.
 “Great! Emma give her some trackpants and a shirt,” Sam said pointing at me; then he paused for a minute then said. 
” Give her a gun too.” Then he walked away with Justin and Dave; they walked out the door.