Zitha walked into the familiar trees, she had used this route for so long that she wasn’t scared of them anymore or fearing that anyone might take chances with her.
Like a liar she was she lied about coming on far away kingdom where she was the 3rd cousin of a princess, so far her lies had held wait but she knew that sooner or later her lies would start to crumble which meant she had to secure everything even if that meant marrying Bhekokwakhe.
She had studied him for so long and knew that if she acted in a certain way he will be smitten not forgetting that her body also helped.
Everything she had here was built on lies and if she was close to the future King she knew that no one will question her or whatever she did.
In this game of hers there was no love, there was way she would love such an arrogant, drunkard of a person.
She knew that soon she would have to run away and live a life of lies somewhere else if her plan to marry the next King failed.
The little hut came into view, she was never scared of a lot off things but when it came to this place she always got scared.
She never knew never what to expect from that woman. She took a deep breath before she knocked on the door.
The door opened and she walked inside, the whole place was dark, which was only lit by a single candle.
“You have came for a poison to kill a certain high person.” The old woman said as pour a blue liquid in a small bottle.
Zitha learnt not to be surprised anymore the woman knew everything.
“I’ll give it to you, because you have came looking for it.” She said turning around to face her.
She had wrinkles all over her face but in a way she looked so innocent like a young kid, she once heard that she had the power to shape shift and no one knew the true womans face.
She handed her the bottle “But be warned what you are going to do will bring a lot of dark cloud around this kingdom and you shall never come back here again to ask for a way to fix everything, unless it’s for something else different.”
She pocketed the small bottle and quickly got ready to be outside away from that woman.
When she was a safe distance she looked back only to not see the hut anymore.
It seemed like she had been in that hut longer than she expected, of course she knew that time moved a lot faster when you were in there.
And that left her a little over an hour to head to the royal before the big feast begun.