Bhekokwakhe smiled as he listened to his father he was never all of that and he didn’t care about mere peasants who were there to work for this kingdom that they stayed in.

“I believe the person who should take over should be Bhekumbuso.”

He smiled a little until I realised that it was not him, he was not picked.

“What?” he shouted, my father looked at him, surprised no one dared to speak to him like this but he didn’t care. “I am the first born child meaning I should be the one taking the throne and not him.” He said looking at Bhekumbuso.

The room went quiet ss if everyone was shocked at his sudden outburst.

“My decision is final, I will have to call for a feast where it will be announced who the new King will be, you may leave now.”

Bhekokwakhe stomped out of the room full of hatred, he went to the tavern and ordered a beer.

“And?” Zitha asked “Was it the announcement you were waiting for.”

He kept quiet for a minute as he drank his beer “It was passed down to my brother.”

Zitha looked at him waiting for him to carry when he did she asked “What are you going to do about?”

“What do you mean?” He asked looking up from his beer.

“It has not been official as of yet only the family knows so what are you going to do about it? Will you allow your father to betray you like this?”

“No.” he said with full confidence “I will not let him do this to me, I will be King.”