Maphilela looked out the open window and smiled, his kingdom was peaceful, he liked how the people trusted in them.

Like a good leader he always put them into consideration.

“My King.” Thambisa his wife, the mother of his kingdom spoke and stood besides him “What’s worrying you?”

He always loved that about her she always knew how to read me him, probably that’s what happens when you have been married for a good 35 years.

He moved away from the window and sat down on the bed “I have been thinking that it is time for the next king to step over.”

Thambisa nodded as she sat down besides him allowing him to continue “The first son who is supposed to take over is a disgrace to this family, he is always in a brothel or in a tavern somewhere drinking like an insane person.”

“And what have you had in mind?” Thambisa asked.

Maphilela shook his head “He is no fit to be a king let alone lead this whole kingdom, he wants everything to be done at his own time and he is impatient. There’s Bhekumbuso he is sharp, a quick thinker, and the whole kingdom loves him he can be a good leader, Zobuhle would have been a good leader but she’s a girl.”

Thambisa nodded “Whatever you decide I’ll side with it.”

He held her hand tightly appreciating her support.

“I’ll have to get them all here and announce the news.” He said as stood up and went and called on a guard “Go and call all of my children tell them to meet me in the throne room in 20 minutes.”