Zobuhle’s eyes were trained in on one person and that was Londisizwe, she found it difficult to accept that he did, he didn’t look a like a killer.
Zobuhle watched as Londisizwe was on the ground, her heart was pounding as she watched, she stood up and wield for him to stand up and fight for himself.
She didn’t allow herself to believe that he was a murderer, in that short amount of time they had spent together she felt herself gain interest towards him, because he didn’t treat her like she was different.
If he had killed his father there should have been some blood on his clothes but there wasn’t but of course her family didn’t want to listen.
As Londisizwe tried to get up the guy in a purple shirt punched him on the face, in the moment swords were thrown down and it was in that mement that he was able to recover and went get the sword, she watched as his as he held it so perfectly in his hand.
There was blood on his face but he ignored it as he walked in a circle, he watched him as he raised the sword and quickly sliced through the guys arm, the guy fell on his legs as he cried in pain but he got up again and held the sword awkwardly as he tried to strike but Londisizwe easily ducked the sword and this time he brought the sword in his stomach and twisted it, the boy held his stamach where the sword had pierced through before could do anything he dropped dead on the ground.
Londisizwe looked up and their eyes locked for a second but he quickly removed them as he looked around, there were more dead bodied than alive.
From all the 20 people who were there only 8 remained. Zobuhle turned around and left as she was satisfied that Londisizwe was still alive.