Bhekokwakhe shook with fear, he had heard tbe commission as he listened to the running feets and to the ringing bell.
It meant that people now knew that their King, his father was now dead.
He waited anxiously for a couples of minutes waiting for the guards to come in here and drag him to be hanged. He could not believe that he did it.
He has killed his father.
Not going out of his room when there was a sounding of bell would seem suspicious so he gathered up strength and walked out of his room as he rounded a rounded the corner he saw people gathered outside his father’s chambers.
He arrived in time to see the boy he had told to place the sword in his father’s room being taken away kicking and screaming saying that he didn’t do anything.
“What happened?” He asked as he got closer, “Your father,” His mother said as she cried “has been killed.”
“What?” He said trying to act shocked “No.” he said as he leaned on the wall “No, no no.”
“I’ll make sure that your father’s death will not be in vain, that boy will pay.”
He had done it he rejoiced on the inside he had fooled everyone, no one suspected him.