Bhekokwakhe easily skiooed into his father’s chamber’s without being seen and walked over to his father expecting him to be asleep but he found him awake. “Bhekokwakhe.” He said in a hoarse voice.
“Why not me dad?” He asked in a broken voice “You never choose me.”
“You are just not fit to be a King, the Kingdom deserves better than a drunkard who is always in out of Tavern and always smelling like brewery.”
With anger sipping threw, without thinking he picked up the sword and stabbed his father right on the chest and quickly ran out into the little hidden room that will take him closer to his room.
Londisizwe smiled as he watched Zobuhle shoot the arrows, she made it seem like an effortless thing to do, but when it came to him it was not so easy he missed the target all the time.
“Let me teach you,” She said giving him the extra bow “Okay, relax your arms,” She said massaging his shoulders “Stand straight, When you are confident enough that the arrow is pointing at the target you aim for then you can release.” She said stood back so as to give him some space.
He took a deep breath and did as she suggested, she stood straight and aimed, and he released.
Before he can open his eyes he heard the arrow land straight on the tree.
“You did it!” Zobuhle shouted with absolute joy. Londisizwe opened his eyes to only find out that he indeed did “I did.” He said happily but their celebration was cut short by the ringing of the bell.
The bell barely rang and when it ever did it was there to announce that something had happened, worry flashed on Zobuhle’s face as she placed down the bow and ran inside with Londisizwe hot on her heels.
He was surprised to see most people going in the direction of the Kings chambers but the doors were blocked by the guards only The Queen and her children walked inside.
“Who did this?” The Queen asked as tears ran down on her cheeks “Who was last here?” She asked angrily.
The guards looked around and pointed out it took a minute to realise thst they were pointing right at him.
He looked at Zobuhle and saw the pain in her eyes, The guards came and took him away as he shouted “I didn’t do anything.”