

It was still hard to believe that Bhekokwakhe was the new King, she shook her head as she watched his brother erratic behavior he was no perfect match and she was mad that no one was standing up to him.

She watched as the people began to leave without even getting anything to eat, if her father was here he would have gone crazy looking at how his people were being treated.

“Now that I am King,” Bhekokwakhe said looking around the room as the last group of people left. The room was only left with j Bhekumbuso, her mother and the counsel that have been loyal to their family for years.

“I want things to change, Zobuhle I want you to meet your husband.” He said with a bright smile on his face, her heart dropped and her mouth hanged open because of shock, Marriage? There had to be some kind of mistake.

Whilst still in shock she watched as a man rounded the corner and stood besides her brother. The man looked old even though he was no where near his father’s age he was still old, her blood rushed and took out a sword and went and pointed it at her brother’s throat, for a second she saw his soul leave him “I am not going anywhere with that man.” She said pointing a finger to the man who was to be her husband.

Bhekokwakhe forced a smiled and started to laugh “Unfortunately it is all decided for, your husband paid a lot of money and gold just to be with you. Don’t worry you will be a Queen on the other side too.”

She suddenly felt strong arms holding her by the worst, she kicked and screamed as she was carried away, she looked her mother who looked as shocked as she felt.

The sword she was carrying fell in the midst of the chaos.

“You must be fun in bed.” The man said as he watched her trying to fight as they threw her inside the carriage.

And soon they started moving, tears slided down her face as she watched her home becoming smaller and smaller, fading into the distance.