It was Morning, My Father with all his mighty moved the wheelchair and stopped me from leaving.” I know your secret my son”. I asked myself what kind of secret. My father knew. My parents suggested I go see a psychologist.
I headed school with a big massive gigantic smile. Violetta kissed me in front of everyone in the school. Thabo’s facial expression was in grotesque mode. The school Extrovert and the Introvert were kissing. The news spreaded like wildfire.
Thabo and his new girlfriend, pinky van welman approached me and Violetta, they planned a weekend vacation to a lodge in Cape Town. Violetta immensely agreed. I did not really approve but as a boyfriend, I thought maybe I should go and not be a turn off, I showed that support. Violetta invited some of her friends and their boyfriends.
I could not ask my parent to go, I turned the whole home situation into an opportunity. I Confronted my Father about how it took him a long time for him to recognize me, how it took an accident and a wheelchair for him to know me. This made a perfect excuse if they don’t find me in the house, they will think I went to cool off somewhere.
I packed my weekend vacation bag. Finally, I had something good going on.
I sneaked out of the house. We rode into Thabo’s car. We then made way to Capetown lodge. We chose our rooms. Money was not a problem. It was a lit party, everything was top. Me and Violetta kissed, I had my hands around her, we were touchy Feely. I could feel the room get hot, turns out I can be a handsome Extrovert. The party was lit, but I and Violetta were very intimate in the room.
Pinky knocked on our door. We dressed up and I opened up door. Looks like we were needed outside. Pinky grabbed and pulled me to the nearest corner. She force-fully kissed me. Thabo spots Violetta, Thabo points at me and Pinky kissing. Violetta see’s me and pinky kissing.
In my attempt to block this kiss. Pinky pushes me to a room. Violetta with rage runs to us, Thabo follows Violetta. In that room I warn pinky to never ever do that again. Violetta grabs a knife, She opens the room’s door, Thabo realizes that Violetta could stab us, he attempts to stop her.
Violetta tries to stab Pinky, she dogdes and takes the knife from Violetta. As I try to undersnd with the situation. Pinky turns the knife to me, I pick up a vase near me, Pinky steps forward near me, I quickly throw the vase to Pinky, She Collapses. Thabo quickly grabs the knife and stabs Violetta at the lower heart multiple time, I try to stop him, I go in vain. Scandal hits. Violetta is dead.
What will I do?