What could change my life in an instant. I could have knew. I quickly returned home. Violetta was kissing Thabo. My heart felt a sour feeling. My heart broke into multiple pieces. I blamed my self for not confessing my feelings when I had a chance.
Finally, I reached my bedroom. I could no longer think straight, my mind was in an abnormal state. I wrecked everything. I broke all the vases, I broke the mirror, I teared up my clothes, I destroyed anything I could get. My parents entered the house. They did not find me sitting at the lounge as usual, my father went upstairs to take a shower, while mom came and checked on me. She entered the room, What she came across, made her realize that I have serious problems. It’s not everyday you find your son’s room in a wrecked state.
“Do you perhaps want to talk”. I did not answer, I felt guilty, my mother went to bed, She did not mention it to my father. Unlike yesterday it was morning as usual I went to school with my headphones. I made way to school. Violetta greeted me with a big smile, I was so quick to shut her.
The intercom noised my name all over the school, I was obliged to report to principal’s office, “your father was in an accident” I could hear my own heart fall to the ground.
Violetta finally won the run and became president of the school. I was in hospital next to my father, I received a massage from Violetta “Let’s meet up”, suspicious joy filled naïve me. The great COO of Beyer Holdings Media, John Mpheko Beyer was in a wheelchair.
It was 7:34, I went out of the house to meet up with Violetta. The unthinkable happens. Violetta and I kissed, I could feel her warm lips, my first kiss, “Let’s date” . I was so in the moment that I forgot that she is also dating Thabo.
My father went upstairs to look for me. There was no one In my room. He entered my wrecked room and many questions had to be answered in his head.
My heart pounder and pounded with love, I would never forget that Thursday night.
Sunday morning, Violetta Banda is declared dead, She was killed with a vase that hit her unconsciously on her head, it happens to be cold blood murder, with multiple stabs on her lower chest.
What could have happened on Friday and Saturday?