One morning while Kimmy was still with her husband Richard and busy hanging around the house naked, and Cathy is busy on her laptop.

There was a gentle knock at the door, Cathy was commanded to stand up and open the door, Of course Kimmy ran to her room to dress up. She come back slowly from down stairs, her jaw drops, her eyes grew so big ,they looked like they’re gonna pop out of her skull.

What did Kimmy see?

Cathy: GAME OVER!!!.

Kimmy: I don’t understand, how can there be two of you? I mean you’ve been working as my slave.

Cathy: Let me take you down the memory lane Kimmy…this is not me, this is a lady I hired who looks like me but isn’t me, if you have been focusing lately this lady has pimples on her face, and my face is smooth, for the first time I heard my husband sayin’ there’s a suprise waiting for me, I already knew it was you. See Kimmy Victor’s are those who plan ahead. ( She pulls out a little camera that she hid in her car right infront of the passenger seat. )

Kimmy: ( Shocked) I’ve seen that thing before, in your car.

Cathy: Yes baby boo, that’s called a spy camera.

Kimmy: No, but it’s fine it means nothing, I have put muthi in your coffee that morning and gave it to you, so that I can have time with your husband and guess what I’m pregnant with his baby now and we’re married, and you’re divorced.

Cathy : Like I said Kimmy, Victor’s are those who plan ahead,I’m a Christian Kimmy, no muthi can work on me not even poison. I have hired this lady to just keep a watch on you all the time , you think I went to America,no babes, I was just next door, looking at everything you were doing, you were stupid enough to think I’d leave you alone with my husband. I took extra careful notes from your words when you first seduced him and he told me, so I had to come up with a plan.

Kimmy: No, you’re lying, look at your husband, he’s mine now, face it Cathy I win.

Cathy: No Kimmy, Richard please come here my love. You think this is Richard, no you’re mistaken….this is Richard ( pointing to the door)

Richard: ( Walks in ) Hi babe, Ohh hi Kimmy. My sweetie pie.

Kimmy: (Comes tumbling down the stairs) No this is not true. Y’all are delusional. If this is not Richard then who is this?

Cathy: Take off your masks guys.

The man and the lady: (Removes the masks) Hy Babe, Hy Kimmy.

Kimmy: Wtf….Ewww, this is the man I slept with all this time?? Disgusting.

Oh little Kimmy has found out that her sweet Richard is nothing but an old man with 4 hairs on his head and 3 teeth… Because he also removed the false teeth that he put in.

Kimmy: Noon, but Richard has never left the house without me.

Cathy: Oh yes he did, and he brought in the man his size and exactly how he spoke. Because I knew how much you love men, I brought in three old men who were the same size as Richard , the old men you dispised, you remember when they were sitting under the tree how much you loved talking bad about them, yes sweetie, one of them is your husband and the father of your child.

Kimmy: No wonder sometimes Richard came home short, and sometimes tall. So these clowns are the ones that’s been sleeping with me, man you guys are good on bed, I was convinced it was Richard.

Richard: That’s because we haven’t been with women for 17 years, and you did great by coming to give us a free one, I mean we couldn’t afford to buy it, thanks , you are good for charity. Please stay with us, we’ll take care of you.

(All laughing)

Kimberly wept, nonstop kneeling down and asking for forgiveness, to everyone especially her sister. And she confessed, she was born again and she stayed with her Richard the old man, who later on died and left her a millions of Rand shares which was in her sisters company, and the two sisters had bonded one again. The baby was born and was named after his father Richard.

Love conquers all in this story, love forgives, even the worst betrayals and mistakes, love is not blind but puts up with everything and wins at the end.

The best revenge ever is Lovin your enemies and pray that they may change.

Cathy has finally won, and they lived happily ever after…. Nah just kidding, it was now their concern to go and take down their mother who was busy sending things against them at night with her dark powers.