There was a girl name Cathy, she stayed with her biological mother who was divorced.

Cathy had siblings, Kimberly her little sister and their big brother Jimmy. So Cathy was a hard working person, she did well in school, she got the best results, she loved her family even though they hated her, especially Kimberly and her mother.

But as for Jimmy, he used to just wake up early in the morning and goes out, and spend the whole day there doing who knows what… Cathy had a terrible upbringing, her father hated her especially when her was drunk he used to say things like” You are not my child, or you’ll never amount to anything in life, and you are never going to get married” .

And poor Cathy believed all of that, she believed she would be a failure in life, but she had this boyfriend in school who was a church goer. He used to encourage Cathy and give her some inspiration to keep on going, and to never let other people’s opinions to demean her character.

The quote that she loved from him and she wrote it down as her everyday life motivation was: ” The praise of man is the fall of the stars” .People will always have a negative thing to say if they don’t praise you for the good things you do, keep going, and keep getting better.

Cathy tried so many times to commit suicide because now she has had enough of her family. Once Cathy hung herself with a rope and it snapped and she feel so hard to an extent that she broke her arm. She again tried to drink pills, she ended up in hospital in a coma. She also drank poison but she never died. Could it be true when they say” When you look for death it will run from you”.

So whenever Kimberly did something wrong , Cathy was blamed, but when she tells her to stop again she’s being called a bully and would get a hiding for trying to do the right thing. They grew up like that,Cathy being a slave , and Kimberly a princess. However when Cathy finished her matric.

Kimberly and her mother conspired with a rich boy to disturb Cathy in college, to date her and impregnate her and leave her just like that, and it worked just as they planned, except for one part, Cathy couldn’t have children. So she broke up with that guy and dated a handsome guy Richard in college, they loved each other and grew together.

Cathy finished her degree in business and started her own business from scratch , with the support of her new boyfriend she made it. They got married without her mother knowing of course, but the wind carried the news home, and they found out. So Kimmy and her mother conspired one more time, this time to send Kimmy over to destroy that marriage by sleeping with her sister’s husband.