My 2nd friend is 19 yrs old she has also found love. She is a 2yrs relationship and has a baby boy of a year n 6mnths. Ever since she found love she has distance her self from me; they all think that am cursed cause I can’t stay that long in a relationship and who would want to be cursed along with me.

I am a simple girl who has matric and a few certificate but not working; am actually the chosen one of god (spritual gifted). I sometimes feel like I could run away from all this; am tired of being used. My life is such a mess , all the guys that I dated don’t take me serious.

My 3nd friend the one I love most well I used to love ain’t sure anymore**** She is in love for abt 4 years and has a 3weeks baby boy ,I used to love her so much until I discovered what she says behind my back with her mom..” they say because all of them have babies n I don’t, I am Infertile. For goodness sake how can I have a baby with some who don’t love me, a womanizer, a grd4 school dropper; that words made me hate her even more…