I hear sounds under my bed at 2 a.m everyday but whenever I check it out, nothing…. nothing but darkness.
I think I’m going insane! I know what I did was wrong but I had to, IT needs to be fed you know?Otherwise it might prey on me. I’m so scared…to be a victim. You won’t understand. It WAS NOT a mistake but to make you get it…I joined a cult.
It was on a Monday, it was cold since it’s June now but strangely no teachers were around that day. Me and Gyen, a friend of mine took out our phones to occupy our selves…typical teenage stuff.
I’m Jayden by the way…
I checked out what he was doing on his phone since he was too quiet and was wearing earphones…he noticed I was watching it too. It seemed to be a footage of some guy being dragged by a force into the darkness beyond and then screams out for help as he disappeared out of sight.
“What the hell are you watching?” I asked him and he just said the video was sent to him from some sort of cult group and they invited him that Saturday and sent him the address. “Are you going?” I asked again, sternly and he nodded. “Are you crazy?” I was stunned at his decision.
“I want to check it out, chill man. I got this, I can take care of myself.” He said annoyed and with an attitude and kept watching the video as if he was just watching cartoons. There was a weird vibe from all of this, although I wanted to believe that the video was fake, I found it bizzare…something felt…wrong but my tongue couldn’t taste it out at all.
“I’ll come with you then…” I told him. I didn’t want to but I knew Gyen very well. He was the type of dude to do what he puts his interest in so there was no convincing him to stop any of it and set his mind right…besides I couldn’t just let my only friend face something that was just…beyond unimaginable. “Really?” He asked with such enthusiasm it made me sick. “Yes, let’s explore the dark side of our world.” I said, faking a smile.