Booooooom!. What was that I thought to myself. I was going home when I heard that sound so I decided to check it out. It was dudes with Hi-Tec gear. They were robbing the nearby school. They went into the school after they blew the wall off leaving their gear behind. I went to the site and saw a flashdrive and a power source. I put them in my backpack and ran away. I spent the rest of the day studying the power source, when I used the drive it showed me that Thursday they were gonna go to our school I felt that justice was in the palm of my hand. I checked the day to see it is Tuesday. I knew what I had to do. The following day I got ready to prepare.

Before school started I went to the science lab and got ready I took some of the chemicals and put them in a krate I went to a abondent room and made a ball like klay substance to add to my AI watch. After school I got a bulletproof jacket and got sum leather pants. Thursday after school I waited for them and they came in a blast literally it was an explosion. Great entrance if ya ask me. They looked at me and before I knew I was taken out in a flash. He put me down but punched I him in the face and broke his neck. The other was built he slapped me so hard my ears went ‘teeeeeeeeeeet’ but I did not give, we exchanged blows but when he was busy I kicked him where the sun does not shine. Something was counting down the bomb blew up in front of me and I went flying. When I opened my eyes I saw I was in a police van. They accused me of blowing up the school. I felt so stupid but I got a phone call. The guy said ” You kill my Men I kill your aunt, but I wanna do it in front of you” and he hung up when I went to take a nap someone stood in front of me the person knocked me out. I opened my eyes in a van with my arms tied up and I looked at the door it was not lookin good. I asked the guy where are we going he said to the Big Ben. I then asked that with enough force I could open that door he said I could even break it so I ran to it broke the door. I rolled down the street I stood up to run away and went to another house and stayed there for a while. Then I got on a truck that was going to London. When we got there I walked down the street and I saw a R50 sticking out of a man’s pocket. I went directly to him bumping against him and taking the money. I hailed a cab and it took me to Big BenWhen I got there I stole air freshener and toilet paper from the cabie. I used the spray to make the toilet paper deadly. I used it to take out a guard and took his clothes went to the top and saw the boss. But I went there shouting Boss boss to know if he is really the boss when I got to him tried to stab him but he held my hand and shot me with a AK47. I fell down but I did not give up. I acted as if I was out cold but then I took the gun and shot three bullets in his heart. I killed almost all of his Men before escaping in a hatch that night I could not sleep. But when I killed that man. I killed my humanity to. Later on I was recruited by the

F. F. F. B a gangster gang and I got revenge on the guy’s whole family.