MELLOW: (looking concerned) That girl over there has been looking at us . I don’t know what’s her problem.
REGGIE: (sigh) She’s my ex.
MELLOW: (surprised) Yoh! Any unfinished business? I don’t want to be caught up in love triangles.
REGGIE: (holding Mellow’s hand) Look, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s been months now since we broke up, and I’m over her.
MELLOW: I guess karma is dealing with her.
REGGIE: You can say that again.
They both laugh.
As Mellow and Reggie leave the restaurant holding hands, Mitchell feels like the world could just swallow her. She breaks into tears when she sees someone she used to love leaving with someone else.
Sometimes the ones we love are the ones that end up hurting us. We tend to ignore truths for temporary happiness. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
The End.
What do you think of this play?