DOLEZA: And you, what was that?

REGGIE: (with a lower voice) I think I love her.

DOLEZA: Dude! You are kidding right?

REGGIE: Well I wish I was.

DOLEZA: Well good luck with that.

REGGIE: Thanks i think I’m gonna need it.

As Mellow bring their lunch, Reggie try his luck again.

MELLOW: There you go gentlemen.

DOLEZA: Thank you.

REGGIE: So, you have thought about it?

MELLOW: What are you talking about Sir?

REGGIE: Me ane you going on a date?

MELLOW: (rolling her eyes) You are full of yourself neh?

REGGIE: Especially when it comes to what I want so bad. I guess one date won’t hurt.

MELLOW: Ok! Ok! Here is my number. But you are not allowed to call me during my working hours.

REGGIE: Ok, loud and clear. Thank you ma’am.

Mellow leaves, and Reggie looks at Doleza smiling.

What do you think will happen next?