Reggie and Doleza are chilling at a local restaurant catching up after a long time.
DOLEZA: Long time man, how have you been?
REGGIE: I’m alive man how are you?
DOLEZA: I’m glad to hear that ’cause last time we talk things were not good on your side.
REGGIE: Bro, I’m over that girl now. Life has to go on.
DOLEZA: (with a funny face) Ok. If you say so.
The waiter arrives at their table since it’s their time to order.
MELLOW: So, gentlemen what do you guys wanna have?
DOLEZA: Steak and chips with orange juice for me.
MELLOW: And you Sir?
REGGIE: (smiling) I’ll have you.
MELLOW: (rolling her eyes) Do you want lunch or not?
REGGIE: (laughing) Easy Miss, I’ll have the same thing like my friend here.
MELLOW: Ok. Coming right up.
As she leaves, Doleza and Reggie burst into laughter.