
Lately my life has been okay. I am in a little friendship with my books, all thanks to my ghost friend. I don’t remember how much I used to read if it wasn’t once in a month.

My mom has applauded me today for washing dishes and cleaning the house. It is a Saturday morning and a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do to keep herself busy.

I don’t want to think about ghostian my friend. The thought of him not visiting me today or tonight will break me into pieces.

Why do I even care so much about him that I would spend the whole morning thinking about him? Am I ghost drunken in love?

“Whoever did whatever to your whole being nje, I’m just grateful. Tell her.. Or maybe it’s him…. Anyway tell that person to send me an invoice, I would really love to compensate ‘that person’ with whatever amount they want”

I rolled my eyes, my mom like being dramatic.

“It’s no one mama, I think I’m getting matured”

And she laughed and waved me goodbye.

Where could she be going? Does she have a date with dad? Talking about dad, this reminds me. I haven’t seen him the whole week and I don’t think he came home yesterday.

“Mom where is dad?”

“He’s not off this weekend, bye Olerato”

Is it moods swings? Shame she missed her husband. See? See the reason why I don’t ever wanna get married? You spend your whole life loving someone and they die on you. Now you have to live without them, such trauma.

The worst thing about marriage is it is not easy to move on especially when your in law ancestors still regard you as their ‘makoti’, mxm traditional thing.

Why can’t we just divorce and move on like white people? No drama nje. What do ancestors want after they have taken away your spouse? You move on with another man and soon you’ll be doing a ceremony asking forgiveness to your ancestors. Imagine them demanding 5 red and white cows and 3 America sheeps just because you followed your heart? Shame.