5 months later
I thought that I had seen every side that there is that belongs to Melokuhle but this side of her makes me realise how much of a special woman she really is.
She has kept true to her word and made a doctor from Argentina who has claimed to be one of the best, fly over here and tend to Zandile.
Melokuhle has always been by her side and never left her. Zandile has slowly changed into an unrecognisable person, she has even shaved her head and started wearing headwraps.
Most times she was crying but Melokuhle would always remind her to be strong for her baby and after that little pep talk, she would try to pull herself together again.
I am sitting anxiously outside the waiting area with Lizzie by my side who when she found out about Zandile was angry but calmed down when she realised that she hadn’t come back to destroy anything.
Sitting here like this, scared and anxious reminds me of the time when Melokuhle had her miscarriage, it feels like it had happened ages ago when in fact it is just a couple of months back
“She’s getting weaker, we need to take the baby out.” The doctor said that 3 weeks ago, Zandile was only 8 months pregnant and I was assured that the baby would live so I nodded ahead for them to take the baby out.
Zandile requested Melokuhle to be with her by her bedside when she was asked if she wanted anyone in the room. It has been 2 hours and I am growing anxious by the minute.
Melokuhle walked out with a smile on her face. “It’s done, you can come in.”
Lizzie patted me on the back when I stood up, my heart was racing with each step that I took. I pushed open the door and my breath sucked in, goosebumps ran a course all over my body.
Zandile is crying as she looks at the baby. I slowly approached them. My hands suddenly went sweaty and my mouth dry, with my heart in my throat, Zandile lifted the baby and handed it to me.
She looks so small, so fragile in my arms afraid that I might squeeze her a little too hard with my muscles. She’s the splitting Zandile and me, even though she’s just born my resemblance to her is uncanny.
Watching her makes my chest fill with too much joy and fear of anyone hurting her cause I will go to the ends of the earth to make them pay.
“Have you thought of the name?” I asked, breaking the silence that is only fed with adoring looks to the baby nestled in my arms.
Zandile shaked her “I wanted you guys to name her.”
“Makukhanye.” I said after a while “Her name is Makukhanye Zoe Xaba.” She’s indeed the light that came after a darkness that seemed to cover us for a long time and she’ll always be our guiding light.
“I love it,” Zandile confirmed when I handed her the baby back.
Looking at Makukhanye makes me excited to experience all the first things with her. Her first smile, laugh, walk and her first word.
She doesn’t even have a full day here on earth but I already know that I will protect her with everything that I got and I will break down every goddamn wall there is just for her to pass through.