I can’t seem to stop looking at Melokuhle as she laughs at the drunk guy dancing. He has people cheering him on as he keeps on dancing but my eyes are trained on Melokuhle. She looks so beautiful in her red dress, with a touch of white. I don’t think I have ever seen her this happy before, she looks so carefree and light in her soul.
Gone is the girl who has been miserable and broken. Ever since we did those 2 ceremonies she looks so free, like the weight on her shoulders had been lifted and now she can finally breathe.
I have watched her from afar this past week, running all over the place trying to make today perfect and memorable. She had a few breakdowns when she thought that things wouldn’t go as planned even when I tried to help she wouldn’t let me, talking about how I would just be a distraction and must stay away. She was this close to becoming a bridezilla.
A smile cracks at the side of my lips thinking about Melokuhle dictating everyone what to do.
Now I get to have her as my officially and knowing that I get to have her for the rest of my life just makes me happy, it makes me feel like I am the luckiest guy on this entire planet.
I might as well be, Melokuhle would have up and left at any given time considering how much hurt I have put her through but she still chose to stay with me over and over again.
“What?” she asked when she finally noticed me looking, I shrugged and just kissed her and turned to look at Melokuhle’s father giving us a speech and how he hated me at first but now he loves me like a son.
Once he is done I lean over to Melokuhle so that she can hear me over the loud music that has taken over and excused myself, I have to pee. I have been holding it in for so long that I can’t anymore.
I head to the toilet and relieve myself when I get out of the toilet I stop in my tracks, not believing my eyes. I blinked a couple of times but it was no mistake, she was here.
What the hell is she doing here? Not on this day of all the days there are in the world, why today? My hands started shaking with anger looking at the woman that had fooled me so well that I couldn’t even remove the cobweb from my eyes until it was too late and I had lost everything. If she thinks that she can try that again with me, she has another thing coming.
“What are you doing here?” I hissed, looking around making sure that there was no one in sight. I pulled her into the shadows where I knew we wouldn’t be spotted unless someone was directly looking over here.
“I’m pregnant.” She said, not beating around the bush, there was no wicked smile on her face that she normally would have, suggesting that she was happy that she had ruined my life again instead she looked anything but happy. I looked at her stomach and sure enough there is a bump that is showing a little bit.
I shook my head in disbelief, Zandile continued standing there looking at me crumbling at what she told me.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath hoping that when I opened my eyes Zandile would not be there but unfortunately, she was still there when I opened my eyes. This can’t be happening, I thought to myself.
“What do you mean you are pregnant?” My heart is racing, my throat has gone dry and I’m sweating.
“I mean just that.”
“How? What if you are just trying to trap me with a kid you have shown me that you can go to extreme measures just to get me.”
“We can do a DNA test, this baby,” She pointed at her stomach “Is yours.”
I looked into her eyes, searching for any look of dishonesty but I saw nothing either she’s telling the truth or she deserves a SAFTA award for being a good actress.
“How did you know that I was here? “
“Your secretary told me.”
Great, now I will have to fire my secretary. I hate it when people can’t keep their mouths shut. She should have called me, warned me that she had just given up my location and allowed me enough time to prepare and make sure that I took care of this issue.
Melokuhle, my mind races to her, this will destroy her. How will she accept this? Not when she just got over the loss of our baby and now I have to tell her this news.
“Melusi.” My blood went icy cold when I heard Melokuhle’s voice calling out my name. How do I get to explain this?
“Melusi.” Melokuhle’s voice sounded nearer and nearer, not giving me time to think. I stepped out of the shadows and saw Melokuhle smile even in the darkness her smile just shone through. “I was wondering where,” Her smile disappeared as she stopped mid of her sentence and looked behind me.
I turned around and saw Zandile standing behind me, I cursed under my breath, she should have given me time to think and time to talk to Melokuhle and explain to her the situation that still has me confused.
“What’s going on here?” She looked at me “Melusi?”
I never get nervous but seeing Melokuhle angry makes me sweat and my hands start to shake. “She just showed up here and told me that she’s pregnant.”
Melokuhle’s face went from being angry to confusion and sadness in under 2 seconds. She nodded, “We will discuss this after the wedding.” She looked at Zandile. “You are not going to ruin my day, not today.”
“Make sure that you lock her in a room and give her some food so that people don’t see her.” She turned around and went back to the tent. I did as she instructed and made sure that Zandile was comfortable before I went back to the tent.
When I stepped inside I found Melokuhle smiling, as if what had happened earlier hadn’t just happened.
I arrived in time to give cakes to our respective families, I gave out a cake to Melokuhle’s parents and Melokuhle handed a cake to Lizzie, after that we said our goodbyes and let the people enjoy the loud music, the food and the drinks.