I breathed a sigh of relief when Lizzie left us alone. “What do you miss about me?” Melokuhle asked once she finished her mac and cheese.
I thought about it for a second as I looked at her full face, her small almost Chinese eyes and plum lips.
“I miss your cold feet on my legs warming themselves up, I know I used to complain but I secretly liked it. I miss watching you get sleepy during our movie nights even though you would always promise you won’t fall asleep, I miss your off key singing in the shower, I miss your random visits to the office not caring that I am in an important meeting, I miss you stealing my fries, I miss you wearing my oversize clothes besides they look good on you, I miss everything about you Melokuhle, I miss your kisses, your hugs and just waking up knowing that I will find you still asleep snoring and with drool on your face. I just miss you. “
A tear escaped at the corner of her eye. I carried on “You wanna know what I love about you? I love that you don’t care that I have a lot money in the bank, I love the fact that you don’t care about material things, I love that you are you even on days that forces you not to be, you still are you. I love the fact that you were able to love me and see me for me and not who I appear to be in public, I love the fact I can be me around you. I love you Melokuhle so much that I can destroy the planet for you, I love you because you make it easy for me to love you.”
I took a deep breath “I know I messed up tell me what must I do and I’ll do it, I promise.” I said walking over to her.
She looked at me as I got nearer, “Please.” I said gently almost losing hope.
Melokuhle kept quiet as if she is pondering on what I told her. She stood up and looked at me “Promise me that you will never hurt me like you did Melusi.” She said in a broken voice.
“I swear to God, I will never ever hurt you the way I did.”
I dipped down and kissed her, dear lord I had missed her soft lips.
I kissed her so hard that we both ran out of breath.