There is one thing that I hate in the entire world and that is to wake Melokuhle up especially when she looks so comfortable, with her hair all over the place and her drool on the side of her face.
I slowly shaked her but she didn’t budge “Melokuhle.” still she didn’t move. I took a feather on the bedside table and tickled her nose with it, and there is one thing that Melokuhle doesn’t like and that is being tickled because she hates how powerless she becomes.
Her hand swats lazily on her nose, I tickle her again “Mhhm.” She cracks open one eye and looks at me “Stop.” she lazily slaps my hand.
“Get up.” I said again tickling. “Why?” She asked opening her eyes and grabbed the feather from my hand and throws it away. “Why do you like torturing me so early in the morning.”
“It’s 12 p.m”
She rolled her eyes “Same difference.” I smiled and kissed her “Get up, I’m taking you somewhere.”
“And that place had better have food or I’ll turn into a green eyed monster.” She got up and stomped her way to the bathroom. I laughed a little as I made the bed.
She has been eating non stop lately and I love it, I love how she has gained weight even though she feels like she is no longer attractive but to me she looks spectacular and I wish she gets to see that.
I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer on the fridge as I wait, the pain is still there but it is better than what I have been feeling yesterday at least today I can managed to move around a little bit without requiring any assistance.
Melokuhle walks out wearing a dress that is okay for having a chilled day at home but also okay for going out.
“How do I look?” She twirled around like a princess. “Beautiful.” and indeed she is, she is very much so beautiful even when she is not trying, even when her hair is like a birds nest she still is beautiful.
We walked out hand in hand, I opened the car door for and hurried over to the other side. I ignore the question of where are we going as I start the car.
I stop buy a small kota joint before Melokuhle started getting all cranky. She ordered some slice burger with everything on it and I settled for some hot barbeque ribs, I barely got to enjoy them before Melokuhle took them.
“Can you at least share?”
I smiled as I watched her stuffing her mouth with food she can have all of my food, she can take them all, as long as I get to see that little grin on her face.