
“You should be resting.” Melusi said as we headed to the car on the driveway. I rolled my eyes as I stepped inside the car. Melusi has been like this since last night as I brought up the topic of wanting to go back to university.

“Don’t start.” I let out fastening my seatbelt, I knew he was going to have something to say but I never thought that he will want to want to stop me altogether from going.

“I’m just saying.” He said slamming the car door, “You making me regret why I told you in the first place.” I pouted as I folded my arms.

“Okay fine, you can go to school but when you reach 6 months you will have to study from home and I will be monitoring you.”

I smiled, I knew he was going to cave in sooner or later, Melusi has proved to not being able to resist me pouting like a child what I didn’t expect was for him to cave in so soon. This was the only thing I had managed to put my foot down for, even though I also wanted to drive myself Melusi protested and said that he will be the one to drive me everyday not caring if he has an important business meeting.

“Your mommy is stubborn.” He said placing his hand on my stomach as he started the car.

“You’re one to talk.” I said as I laid back on my seat. I watched him as he silently drove, I had missed this, our little squabbles that we randomly had and having to kiss and makeup every single time.

I know that things will change for the better since we have a baby on the way, it is like I had watched Melusi transform into someone new in just a matter of seconds and I happen to love this soft side of him.

I know for a fact that he will be the best father in the entire world and that he will love his kid with all that he got.

I rubbed my stomach as I smiled, see I told you that things will work out. I said in my head talking to my baby. I read somewhere that you can develop a stronger bond with the baby if you talked to it and so that is what I have been doing ever since I found out I was pregnant.

Now with Zandile out of our lives I am happy that now things will go back to normal, to the normal that I have been praying for.

It still hurts whenever I think of a fool he made me but he still has my heart and I would gladly fall in love with him over and over again no matter how much he hurts him that’s how much I love him and I can only hope that he loves me just as much.