I had barely slept last night, the excitement was just too much. I still could not believe that Melusi had popped the question, the ring kept glowing on my hand as I prepared for the breakfast. It was crazy to even think that we were here at this stage.
I heard the shuffling of feet, I turned around with a huge smile on my face as I looked at Melusi as he came to me and held me by my waist making me to blush “Morning my soon to be wife.”
I placed my hands on his shoulders “Morning my soon to be husband.” The word husband felt like a foreign language on my mouth that was I was too eager to learn. “I hope you brought your appetite.” I said as I turned to the stove, but Melusi’s hands never left me “I brought my a whole lot more than my appetite.”
I laughed and playful smacked his hands from waist “Stop it.” He kissed my neck and went to sit down and waited for me to finish up. Once the bacon was already crispy just the way Melusi liked it I went and placed it on his plate as I joined him.
“I was thinking.” he said after a mouthful. “It’s something you might not like though.”
I placed my fork down and looked at him “Which is?”
“I want to do this whole thing the right way.”