I was happy that my daughter was back home, my smile even came back on my face. I had not realised how much I had missed her.
Having her back home had brightened my mood, made to have that thrill again and a will to wake up each and every morning.
It has been 4 days since has been back home and in that 4 days I have not seen her smile, she had barely said one word.
I looked at Steve as she paged through the newspaper I sighed “Do you want to see her happy?”
He lowered the paper and looked at me “Where is this coming from? I thought having her home would make you happy.”
“I am happy but how can I be happy when she is miserable in there?”
“What do you want me to do? Take her back to that good for nothing scumbag?”
“She loves him Steve, remember how much my father never wanted you with me?”
He smiled “Yeah and ended up agreeing because he could not keep us apart.”
“Exactly because he wanted to see me happy at all times. Isn’t that what you want for Melokuhle for her to be happy? Even if it is with that guy who had kidnapped her.”
“I still don’t like him.”
I shrugged “You don’t have to like him you just have to tolerate him for the sake of your daughter’s happiness.”