I craved love ever since this year started. I ended up dating people that I never thought I’d date with them. I dated this one guy. I thought he was the one, and I was happy being with him, but as time went by, we broke up, and it was hurtful because I had high hopes that we would be with each other through thick and thin.

Again, I dated this other guy and we loved each other but still needed to finish two months of dating. Things just went quiet, and I just went with the flow. After dating this guy, I stayed a month single.

Unexpectedly, I got close to his friend (2nd guy’s Friend); we used to go to the mall together after school and enjoy ourselves; after two weeks of being that close with that guy, we fell for each other, but I didn’t tell him that I caught feelings for him. Till he made a move, I remember it was after school. It was cold, and he accompanied me to my crib. So we reached my crib. I gave him my coat since it was hard before he left. He kissed me Unexpectedly, and that’s how it started. It was still cold the following day, so we went to school. And we came out early that day at school. I can’t recall why we did, so I was scared to see him. So after school, I walked with my friend and felt someone holding my hand. When I looked, it was this guy, so my friend left. I and the guy went to my crib, and we had a conversation about the kiss, what it meant and everything. The guy told me he had feelings for me but was scared to tell me since I once dated his friend, so we started dating today.

And guess what! I’m experiencing love in its softest form; this guy is everything! Yes, we fight here and there, but eventually, he isn’t willing to let go; he’s giving me the love I always craved. It’s a blessing having someone like him. I love you, my man, wherever you are, and I miss you.