It’s 05:00am in the morning , Nosiphiwo ,her aunt’s, and MaGumede are doing touch ups.

MaGumede : Nosiphiwo mntanami Hamba uyogeza I’m sure abakhongi basendleleni eza la manjerh.

Auntie 1:angikholwa ukuthi uNosiphiwo useyajola and indoda yakhe isifuna ukumshada Early so… what’s the rush Vele??

MaGumede:Ai” uThando” lwalezingane luyavutha bhe.who am I to say No. uMfana efuna ukumthatha khona esafunda.

Auntie 2:Aybo MaGumede ,can you even hear yourself speaking. uNosiphiwo is still young ukuba uMakoti right now she should be focusing on finishing school. You’re confusing ingane.

MaGumede: that’s pour jealous from you.

Auntie 2:anginamona Mina I’m just stating facts.

MaGumede: Mxm Facts my foot ,ngiyabuya ngisayolanda indwangu yetafula. I don’t have time for this.

(Auntie 1 whispering to Auntie 2)

Auntie 1: Mhlampe Nosiphiwo is pregnant they’re hiding isisu sakhe.

Auntie 2:Hawu, Kwameke we all know Nosiphiwo is a decent young girl.

Auntie 1: Aybo munu , Even the decent ones get pregnant .awumboni uCc uyaglower lately.

MaGumede:Kaze , what are you two whispering (As she makes her way to the table to set it)

Auntie 1:Ai,siyancoma ukuthi amalungiselelo mahle.


The Time is now 06:00 am , Nosiphiwo and her sisters are sitting quietly.they suddenly hear sounds coming from the gates . they all rush to peek on the Window.

(Praises)”Siyakhuleka ekhaya,ko Gumede,Mnguni,Phakathwayo,Khuzwayo, Siyakhuleka koYeye”.

Sister 1: you’re so lucky’re smart, awunangane and now look you’re getting married.awufani nathi sesamitha singashadile , izingane zethu azihlawuli and obaba bazo basishiya.

Nosiphiwo:(Guilty)but I’m not perfect sthandwa.always be proud of who you’re dear.

Sister 2: Mina njerh you’re my role model SisuPhiwo. noMa always say uyuyisibonelo esihle.andToday is proof.

Nosiphiwo:(politely ) Thank you guys

Sister 1:Now cheer up !!!Makoti . we’re proud of you.

What makes Nosiphiwo say she’s neither perfect??