Of course tomorrow came sooner than I expected. I sigh as I put Thingo the best clothes that he has. He giggles as he plays with my braids.
“Your dad is coming to see you.” I say as I button his shirt. “I don’t want to strip away any chance of you knowing who your dad is.”
And in that moment a knock comes in, and Thami is now inside of my home walking in with handful of bags he places them down and bends down to Thingo “Hi little guy.” Thingo hides behind my legs and ask “Mama uban lo?” (Mom who is this?)
I gently pull him from behind me and give him a reassuring smile “This is your dad, Thami and Thami this is Thingo.”
“Look what I bought you.” He says as he takes out a toy aeroplane.
Thingo looks at me, I nod and he start walking slowly towards Thami and takes the aeroplane “Thank you.”
And soon they start playing together as if they have known each for a long time.