She was so sweet in a way that when you do something to her she will forgive you so easily. December 2021 she started to become sick . One morning on a Monday my mom woke up and made herself a cup of tea; she then went to my grandmother’s bedroom. She found her sitting on the bed.

My mom asked if she would like a cup of tea, my grandmother never responded and my mom left the room. Few minutes later my mom screamed saying: ” kea kea your grandmother is not responding”

I jumped out of the bed wearing my panties and went to check what was happening in my grandmother’s bedroom. I found her sitting on the bed when I l called her she wasn’t responding. I tried to pour her with cold water still no response.

My uncle’s wife called the ambulance; luckily the ambulance was 10 minutes away from home. They took her to the hospital and found out she had sugar diabetes. She stayed at the hospital for 2 trying to monitor her and everything went well.

The day she got discharged she couldn’t walk by herself, we thought that maybe it is because she just got out of the hospital. She stayed in bed for 5 days because she couldn’t walk, my mother then said she must go back to the hospital to check what was the problem.

It was so sad to take her back to the hospital because she just came back at home from the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital the doctors found out that her hip was broken and she needed to do a surgery for her to walk again.

She didn’t want to do the surgery because she was scared that she might not make it out of the operation room she even shares a tear saying that she doesn’t want to to a surgery. I then asked her ” otlo tsamaya yang osa batle go etsa surgery?

She ended up agreeing to do the surgery then she asked me ” ketlo boya gae ga o shebile” then i told her everything was going to be fine she must worrying.

The surgery was done and everyone was happy at home that she’s finally coming back home . The doctor’s then called saying she’s been discharged we must bring a wheelchair because she can’t walk yet.

We didn’t have money to buy a wheelchair and she wasn’t able to come back home that day but a plan was made and we got a wheelchair. Saturday in the morning i went to fetch her with my brother in-law she was so excited to see us but you could tell that she’s tired.

We arrived at home and we were trying to take her out of the car but she refused to get out of the car , we begged her all she could say was ” kesetse ke kgathetse nna ” and i was like” etswa mo koloing kekgone gogo tlhapisa oje onwe medication obo robala” she still refused to do that.

She then asked me how far my sister and my uncle are from work. I told her they are on the way .she then said” Bo nkgono lebo nthate mogolo ba mpitsa yanong” I was so scared .

My uncle and my sister arrived at home you could see the smile on my grandmother’s face, she then called everyone in the garage because the car was parked in the garage she demanded to see everyone her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

She then said ” nkemiseng ge ke palame wheelchair” first time we lifted her up because she was fat so 4 people had to help her to sit in the wheelchair she then fall on the floor and the operation started to bleed , she was bleeding where she has the operation.

She then demanded to let her sit on the floor ,she was quiet not responding, my uncle then told me to call an ambulance, it was raining that day so the network was bad. Few minutes later i heard people crying then i realised she was gone.

We had the funeral,everything was peaceful until my grandfather who left my grandmother for 15 years came and demanded us to leave the house . He was fighting telling us to go and look for a place to stay because he wants to sell the house .

Since then we’ve been going to consult with the lawyer and try possible ways of not going out of that house because my grandmother fought for that house, she struggled to find that place ,so we can’t let my selfish grandfather to take that house away from us because that house will give us blessings everything we want.