
I wanted to kiss her, I saw how much she wanted me to kiss her but it didn’t feel right. I wanted it to be perfect and certainly not when we were surrounded by rubble and dust. I wanted to show her that I had changed, that I wanted to be a better man for her. Usually, I wouldn’t care much, but she made me want to care, it was like she was all that I lived for and her approval. Ntando had also not let me breathe either, it all started with him being shocked and then it evolved into anger and not speaking to me, he’ll eventually come around.

A smile crept on my face while I watched Ntobeko punch the punching bag letting out steam, sweat was now glistening on her formed and had also started to show on the back of her shirt, she suddenly stopped and turned in my direction, “Tell me again,” She said breathing hard looking at me, my forehead creased with confusion, She took a deep breath “Tell me again that you love me.” She said walking towards ny direction, while taking out her boxing gloves and threw them on the floor.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and shook my head “You are not ready,” She stopped a few feet away from me “Just tell me Siza.” My heart tugged with nothing but love when she said my name, it sounded right coming from her lips, like it was meant to be spoken by her and no one else. “I love you Ntobeko.” She closed her eyes, and opened them a second later “I have never loved anyone before, I am not sure if what I am feeling right now is love or what but I guess we will figure it out together.” She said.

That was good enough for me, it didn’t matter that she didn’t utter the words love, but the fact that she wanted to give what we had a chance was enough for me to go up to her and pick her up from the ground and spun her around, her laughter filled the room, making me smile and not just a small smile, but a full blown smile that showed wrinkles at the corner of my eyes. I then smashed my lips on hers, while holding her tight.


I was not sure what I was doing, but what I knew was that I wanted him. I wanted him to hold me, kiss me and sit outside my window and watch movies with me.

He spun me around again and looked me deep in my eyes, “I will never hurt you.” he let out and kissed the top of my forehead. I didn’t know how but I just knew that he would never intentionally hurt me. Siza had proven to me countless times how much he was willing to sacrifice for me, if that didn’t scream love then I didn’t know what would.

1 month later

The place was already up and running, the restaurant was packed to the brim. I scanned my eyes to look for Siza, it was time to welcome everyone into our new restaurant and there I saw him, standing at the door his eyes facing my direction. He excused himself and walked over to me, his eyes never leaving mine, making my skin crawl with goosebumps and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy.

We have been dating for a month and he still made me go weak on my knees, even though we hadn’t gotten physical that still didn’t stop him from looking at me like I was the only girl in the world.

He held my waist and pulled me closer to him, making me blush and kissed me on my cheek, he clanked his glass and everyone went quiet and he started his speech, my eyes landed on my mother who was also amongst the crowd, she was beaming with joy making me flash a quick smile in her direction.

“Enjoy,” Siza concluded his speech, making everyone clap their hands and the bustling noise began again, Siza dipped down and kissed me, if he hadn’t been holding me I would have fallen straight to the ground as my legs started to wobble. “I love you.” I said it low, nlt sure if he heard it. This was my first time and it sounded right, Siza smiled and dipped down again to kiss me.