

Siza was gentle with me as he bathe me, he took his time and listened to my every cry. There was nothing sexual about the moment right now as he gently massaged my body with the sponge.

He pulled me out of the water, wiped my body, dressed me in a gown picked me up again and went and placed me in my bed pulling the covers open.

He looked at me a minute too long, brushing my head with his hand “I’ll leave a guy outside until your mother arrives.”

I nodded and watched him get up, his face now was unforgiving, morphed into something unrecognisable and walked out leaving my door slightly ajar.

A few minutes later I heard someone mopping, probably the guy he was telling me about. This time I wasn’t scared I knew that Siza would never leave me alone, with someone he didn’t trust.

The mopping of the floor seemed like a perfect lullaby as sleep pulled me in.


That son of a bitch, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ntobeko’s fear bestowed in her eyes, those cries and her cowering in that corner. I was going to kill that bastard, how dare he touch what’s mine.

I made sure to leave Ntobeko with Leroy knowing that he would safeguard her while I go teach that bastard a lesson.

I sped past the cars going to where Ntando was, where he spotted Rolly. I cut the 1 hour drive and arrived in 30 minutes. I found Ntando already waiting outside some cheap, sleazy looking tavern.

I stomped into the tavern with Ntando following suit, when my eyes landed at Rolly sitting with his men my blood boiled they were laughing and drinking which fuelled my rage “You have arrived my friend.” Rolly lifted his beer and laughed “I see why you wanted her for yourself, she was yummy.”

I saw red, anger pulsing in my blood, I pulled him from the chair and pinned him against the wall. The tavern went quiet, all eyes were now looking at us. Rolly’s bodyguards were too slow to act, they were now standing up with their guns drawn.

“How long have I known you Rolly?” My voice was cold, looking Rolly dead in the eyes, he shrugged his shoulders and looked at me with a smile “Oh I don’t know, a good 7 years maybe .”

“And in that 7 years, you never cared to realise that I don’t fuck with people who dare touch what is mine.”

I took the knife, I never bothered with guns. They were loud and unnecessary, a knife was fast and precise. “And you Rolly, have dared touch what was mine.” I stabbed him in the stomach, he looked at me with fear, eyes bulging out, I didn’t care that people were looking at me, Ntando would take care of everything. “And you messed with her.” This time I made sure that the knife punctured his lung, it was a slow death one that he deserved.

“All this for some stupid girl.” His voice was getting breathy “She is my girl. Mine!” I shouted, “You had no right to mess with what’s mine.” My voice seethed with rage.

I took out the knife and stabbed him again and this time he went limp, I stepped back and left him to go thump on the floor, like a heavy potato bag.

When I turned around all the customers that were here were long gone, probably chased away by Ntando when I was deep in my rage, for me to realise. Rolly’s men were stripped of their guns.

I went to the owner of the place, who was looking at me with fear. “I didn’t see anything.” He gulped, and I nodded, “The mess will be cleaned and you will get money for the trouble that we uh,” I looked around at the tavern “caused.” I then walked knowing that Ntando would do what was necessary. I had somewhere else to be.