
The guard nodded in my direction when I entered the prison high walls. I have done so many visits here but the place still feels so uninviting.

I spread my arms when I reached the inside and the female guard patted me down. “Samantha.” Grace the person who scans my ID said. “Here to see our Maxi Prisoner.” She said laughing a little.

“You know it.” I said following the guard as she opened up the cage door with her many keys and just like usual we passed so many gates and so many prisoners who some of them were cleaning, some were even painting the walls.

When we got to the heart of the prison, where only the maximum convicts were being held, I was searched again.

The place here was so cold unlike thee rest of the prison. It felt like the weather had changed so drastically and we were now in winter season, it was surprising how no one in here was sick.

After being searched on the last gate that separated Bavumile and I, I was then taken to my table by the guard and a few minutes later Bavumile walked out.

“Hi.” I said shyly once he sat down. “Hi.” Bavumile said before he sat down.

“Let’s pray.” I said closing my eyes and I called on God to come and be with us at this moment “Amen.” we both said.

“How was your weekend.” He asked as if he was so curious to know as to what I really did this weekend.

I shrugged my shoulders “It was boring.”

“But can you tell me what you did?” He asked eagerly.

“Okay, on Friday after I left here, I went to see my mother and I spent a night at her place on Saturday I went back to my place and yesterday I spent my day in church.”

He was looking at me like he was hanging on to my every last word, it felt refreshing in a way having someone genuinely ask you about my weekend or day.

“I brought you something.” I took out the pictures that he had requested on my last visit, I handed him the photographs.

I looked at his face as it lit up at everything that had changed since he was down here.

It was like I was looking at a kid as he was exploring his new toy.

“A lot has changed.” He said in a now sad voice. He looked at me “Still no flying cars?”

I laughed a little and shook my head “Still no flying cars.”

He laughed a little but once he looked at the pictures again, I could still see sadness bestowed in his eyes, making my heart break a little.

I couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling, having to see life pass you by and not being able to do anything about it.