For the past few days I have managed to open up to her as she also told me a piece about her life.
Each day I looked up to seeing her and on days when she didn’t come I would find myself missing our time together.
Her little prayer visits were the thing I always looked forward too and I also liked having someone to have an actually conversation with someone who didn’t see me like a prisoner but like an actual human being.
“What’s your name?” I asked one time when she came to visit, it was against the prison rules for her to share her name with me but she has already broken so many rules with sharing about her personal life with me, what was this going to do?
She looked around to make sure that no one could hear her “Samantha.”
“You lived true to your name.” I said, she was a true listener of God. She blushed, her cheeks turned bright pink.
It was my first time seeing her blush, something in my heart moved as I watched her it may have been nothing much but she looked really looked nice when she gave out a shy smile.
“Yeah I know.” She had said.
And I laid at night wondering if she went to that party she had told me about or if she had settled for a movie and a nice pizza.
I would lie on my dark cell alone and think about her and what she was doing at that exact moment and I would often wonder if she ever thinks about me too?