She came back.
I was relieved when they came to fetch me out of my cell, I almost couldn’t believe that she would actually come back to see me again.
I thought that she might have given up on me and considered me a lost cause or that I might have scared her after I lost it yesterday.
She looked at me with her head held high, with no nervousness from yesterday. As I got closer she stood up and nodded at me with a little smile.
When was the last time someone actually smiled at me? It has been been a while, tge guards in here don’t crack a smile, they are all so serious. That having to see someone smile feels so refreshing.
We both sat down in unison, “How are you?” Her voice waa smooth like honey and not rough like tge guards who were constantly shouting.
“Good.” I responded and it was the honest truth, it had been good only because I was able to get out of my cell today.
“That’s good to know.” She said opening the bible “So yesterday you were mad.” She started giving me a brief look before looking back at her Bible.
“Sometimes it is good to let out your anger.” She stated. “Care to tell me more about what triggered you?”
Blood. The smell of thick coppery blood still lingered on my nostrils. The screams and pleadings, I could still hear them.
I closed my eyes and leaned back on the chair, I remember that day as if it had happened yesterday, I opened my eyes and looked at the innocent face of the prayer lady and wondered how would she would react when I tell her about my past and what led me here.
I shrug off my shoulders “No.” I said simply so. She took a sharp deep breath “Okay.” She said not prying any further and talked a bit other scriptures and what they mean but my mind was anywhere but here.
I wondered about her, I looked at her left finger for any mark of a ring but there was none, she was not married.
I wondered about her life and what she does when she gets out of here, does she go to her boyfriend? Does she even have a boyfriend or friends? She doesn’t look like a person who has much of a life, if I were to guess she probably never gets out except going to church.
“You not listening.” She said. I blinked back my eyes as if trying to blink back my focus “Are you single?” The words came out before I could stop them.