Her eyes were red, they were letting me know that she had spent most of her time crying. I wanted to hold her, tell her everything was going to be okay and wipe her tears away.
She looked broken, making my heart sting knowing that there was nothing I could do to mend her broken heart.
There was so much I wanted to tell her, like how her mother ordered guards to beat me as if I had done something wrong, but I could’t not because she would not believe me but because I didn’t want to be the reason of breaking apart their relationship.
“Those were the best hours of my life.” I said “And there is nothing I will change.” My eyes landed on the ring on her finger, “You still wear it.”
She looked at her finger and nodded “Everyday, I never take off.”
“One day you will wear a real one.”
She shook her head “I love this one, it is the symbol of our love. This is a beautiful rose that you made here, I wouldn’t want another one. This one is priceless.”
I nodded, “I will always love you Samantha.” I said as the guard came to tell us that our time was up.
My heart dropped to the floor and broke into a million pieces as Samantha started crying “5 more minutes.” Samantha shouted.
I wanted to rush to her and hug her, but the guards dragged me away.
Even though I may hope that I will see her again, I knew that her mother would make sure that I don’t and that was what hurt me more than the fact that I was, back in prison.