

I should have known that Samantha would not pick a cliche romance movie. She nestled safely in my arms as we binged watch a series called YOU.

This was the most normal thing in the world but to me it felt more than that, it felt like page had been taken out of a romantic novel.

This was the life I never thought that I could ever have, “I love you Samantha.” This moment felt right for me to tell her, “Can you be my girlfriend.”

She looked at me with teary eyes “Yes of course.” I took her wedding finger and slid through the ring I had made earlier with a thin wire. “This is a promise ring, that I will always be right here with you no matter what. If I had my way, I would have asked for your hand in marriage.”

She looked at the ring, tears streamed down her face “This is beautiful.” She murmured.

I smiled, it took the smallest things to make her happy and that was one thing I loved about her “It’s something I learned in prison.”

“I love you to the moon and back Bavumile.” she said as she hugged me, I didn’t mind that she was wetting my shoulder instead I held her tightly in my arms.

A glass shattered and a smoke filled the entire room, a second later I heard the door being kicked open, I held Samantha closed and pulled her on the ground along with me.

What the hell was happening? I wanted to shout but there was no time for questions. We went to the patio and finally took a deep breath but as my eyes adjusted I saw police officers, dozens of police officers.

I looked at Samantha looking at me with shock. “Freeze.” one police officer said, every police officer that was there had their guns pointed at us.