The morning sun rays was shining on my face, the first thing I could feel was the smile on face.
I didn’t remember the last time I had slept so peacefully before and the second thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was that Bavumile was not here.
I looked at the birds chirping nearby, the shuffling sound of feet took my attention away. “Morning.” Bavumile said carrying a tray, he placed it on top of me.
I smiled as I looked at the rose on the tray, “It’s beautiful,” I said picking up the rose.
“Not beautiful like you.” He said taking the rose and placed it on my hair.
“All of this is beautiful, thank you.” I said looking at the sunny side up eggs, bacon, two slices of bread, tomato, cheese and a glass of juice.
He ate his fruit salad and I watched him as I took a bite of my sausage, he looks so hot right now with nothing on but an apron.
There were so many things I wanted to do with him, I wanted to show him so many places and travel with him to every destination there was.
“This is crazy, you’re crazy.” Thembi had said when I told her about how I feel about Bavumile.
Maybe I was crazy, maybe I needed psychological help or maybe Thembi was just jealous because she got to live a boring and unexciting life with her husband, if this was so wrong why did it feel right?
Why does it feel like I belonged everytime I stared into his eyes? Why did I feel like if I could fall right now and Bavumile would be there to catch me no matter what?
Was it so wrong to want love?
“Let’s go watch a movie,” I said when we were done eating “I’ll switch on my route and we can Netflix and chill.”