
“We here,” Samantha said when we got out of the helicopter, we were practically in the middle of nowhere, there were no houses in sight except for the one house that we were facing. “Welcome home.” She said as the helicopter took off.

I picked her up and spun her around “You. you are are one amazing woman.”

“Thank you sir.” She said bowing a little, she then practically ran to the house and opened the door “After you.”

I smiled as I walked inside, the house was beautiful, it felt weird being inside a house again, I walked around practically touching everything that I could get my hands on.

“This house is beautiful.”

“I know, come let’s go and bath and take away that sweat and your prison smell.” She said dragging me to what seems to be a master bedroom “And this is our bedroom,” She said and quickly went from being excited to being shy “Or if you don’t want to share a room, that is okay I’ll,” I shut her up with a kiss.

“I didn’t run away just so I could sleep alone.” I said.

She opened the bathroom door, I pulled her closer and kissed her “Let’s go shower.” I said my voice getting husky with arousal. I slowly took off her clothes, so slowly that I was building suspension.

In just a few seconds she was left with nothing covering her body she looked like a masterpiece with her pointy breast, her curves and that small figure. It was as if she could stay like this all day with nothing covering her body.

I followed her eyes looking straight at my manhood that was hard as a steel, it was so hard that it was threatening to break through my pants. I let out a cocky smile and started to strip down my clothes. Starting off with my belt, followed by shoes, shirt and lastly my pants.

My manhood came out bouncing free from the trouser announcing its arrival.

I smiled as I pinned her against the shower glass “I have been waiting for this moment ever since that day I met you.” I said kissing her neck with my manhood resting on her lower back.

I pulled open the shower down and open the tap and pulled her inside.