
I looked at the prayer lady, looking nervous even though she tried not show it. I was surprised to find out that she even came, many turned down the idea of sitting with me like this.

It was also nice know to be able to get out of that dark cell, and be able to stretch my legs and see the sunlight once again streaming down from the high windows.

I watched as she squirmed on her seat making me want to laugh. She took a deep breath and gave me a stern look and nodded making her afro bounce with the movement “I do.”

Of course a girl like her would believe in forgiveness, I’m pretty sure she believed in unicorns and finding a treasure at the end of the rainbow.

I snickered at her and that earned me a death glare, the tip of her ears turned red probably because I just made her mad.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” She asked in a more sharper tone than the one she gave me earlier.

I shrugged.

She looked down at the Bible as if to calm herself and looked at me “Matthew 6 verse 14 it says if you forgive other people when they sin against you, the heavenly father will also forgive you.”

“I don’t care about forgiveness.” I spat out, to hell with forgiveness where was God when I needed him to protect me?

“You sound mad.” She said, the anger that held her a second ago was now gone, she was back to being calm making me even more mad, I slammed my hands on the cold steel table as I stood up “Of course I’m mad.” I stated.

I was mad at the world, at God for failing to protect me and for putting me here. The guards came rushing, in a blink of an eye the were by my side dragging me away I looked at the lady but there was no fear in her eyes.

She nodded as she watched me being dragged away “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She half shouted.

I wanted to tell her that she was crazy and that she should not bother herself coming back here again but I didn’t, not because I wanted her here again but because it was my only chance of getting out of my cell.