I didn’t want this to end, I wanted it last longer but it was time for us to get back. “What if we run away?” I said in hush voice.
Bavumile looked at me like I was crazy, well I couldn’t blame him I think I might as well be. “Yeah, there’s someone I can call right now and we could make a run for it, we can run away and start a life together somewhere far, far away.”
His eyes twinkled with excitement “Don’t say something you don’t mean Samantha.”
I cupped his face “I mean it, just say the word and it will happen.”
I could almost feel his excitement as he looked around at all the scattered guards and the police officers who were all around the beach and turned to look at me “It will be impossible.”
“Of course now it will be impossible but on the road it’s a different story.”
He looked at me his forehead touching mine “Are you sure?”
I nodded, it was all I could think about. I haven’t even told anyone not even my mother she has done so much for me and arranging this whole thing, I couldn’t put her in all of my mess.
I have thought about this for two whole nights. I planned everything knowing that if this did happen there would be no going back and that my life would change forever, I would now be wanted by the police and I would constantly have to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life but I didn’t care not as long as I got to be wrapped in his arms, and getting lost in his captivating eyes.
It was just one word but it was everything I was waiting for, the key word to set everything up. Soon, very soon there will be no guards watching over us, it will be just us. Just me and him.